Technology to stop the plastic pollution before it enters our oceans.

Every year, a staggering 11 billion kilograms of plastic enter our oceans, with nearly 80% of it traveling there via rivers. Our mission is clear: stop the plastic at its source before it reaches the ocean.

Why focus on rivers?

Rivers are the lifelines of our planet, connecting people, communities, and ecosystems. Unfortunately, they’ve also become highways for plastic pollution. Cleaning up the oceans is not only expensive but an endless battle if we keep allowing more waste to enter. To truly make an impact, we need to intercept plastic where it starts—at the rivers.

Why spend billions cleaning our oceans year after year, only to pollute it even more tomorrow? Isn’t it more effective to prevent pollution from reaching the ocean in the first place?

We believe it is. That’s why we embarked on years of research and development, and introduced our innovative solution to the European Commission. Inspired by a 4,000-year-old principle and the unique feeding behavior of whales, we will now be optimising and testing our technology as part of the Horizon Mission to restore our oceans and waterways by 2030.

To learn more about the Horizon Mission and how we’re making a difference, watch THIS.